Ocean View Elementary

School Options Committee

"On March 9, 2016, approximately 25 parents and community members joined a dozen members of the Eastern Passage School Options Committee (SOC) and HRSB staff to hear about the review process and offer suggestions and feedback for consideration by the SOC. The SOC is now sorting through possible options for more optimal utilization of Seaside, Ocean View, Tallahassee and EPEC schools which includes looking at Grade Configurations for when the new Grade 9 to 12 high school opens.   A number of viable options will be presented on April 20, 2016 from 6:30-9:00 pm at Seaside School for reflections and suggestions by parents, students, staff and community members. Mark this in your calendar and plan to attend. Your whole family is welcome. The report and feedback from the last session can be found at http://www.hrsb.ca/school-review/school-review-eastern-passage-schools and you can also provide feedback via the email address at that site.Your voice matters."